Israel Doesn’t Care About What You Think . . . But It Used To

For as long as it has existed as a nation, Israel has tried more than anything to show the world that it was deserving of adulation, not condemnation. No nation on Earth has gone to greater lengths to preserve civilian life in armed conflict. If you don’t believe that, find another military that drops leaflets out of planes on sites that it plans to attack as the IDF has done time and again. But that didn’t matter to the international community. Rather than list the number of times that the United Nations has been blatant in its anti-Semitic treatment of Israel, just read what the UN Secretary General had to say: Ban Ki-Moon, in response to a question in Jerusalem admitted that there is a biased attitude toward Israel and the Israeli government, calling it “an unfortunate situation.”

Think to yourself why there is so much hatred emanating from western nations toward Israel. Unless you factor anti-Semitism, it makes no sense and never has. Ever since Israel’s inception, it has been under siege by its neighbors. Immediately after Israel achieved statehood in 1948 it was attacked. Then there was the Six-Day War in 1967 started by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. The Yom Kippur War in 1973 started by Syria and Egypt. The list goes on, leading to the more present time following Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, which led to the Palestinians’ democratic election of Hamas in Gaza. But through it all, the Israel Defense Forces have continued in their efforts to warn enemies before attacking. Below is a leaflet dropped in 2014 translated into English.

Following Hamas’ electoral victory in Gaza in 2006, the Palestinians have known only continued impoverishment and despair. Many will point to the blockades put in place by Israel and Egypt. However, one has to ask, why are there blockades in the first place? For one, Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist. It calls for the annihilation of Israel. Throughout its reign, Hamas has used schools and hospitals as its chosen sites for launching rockets into Israel. Why? So Israel would retaliate and Hamas could complain that Israel was targeting schools and hospitals of course. And the international community has fallen for that sort of dastardly strategy time and again, even though Israel has gone to great lengths not to fire on those sites.

And let us not forget about the humanitarian aid that the Palestinian people so desperately need. What happens to it? Some gets to the people, but much of it is siphoned off by Hamas for use in its terrorist actions against Israel. That link is to an article in The Economist, not exactly a right-wing rag. If you really think that the money needed by the Palestinian people is getting to them, explain where all of the money that Yasser Arafat accumulated for his people went. Most of it went to terrorist organizations, but let us not forget about his wife, Suha’s $200,000 a month stipend, paid out of the Palestinian Authority’s budget for the Office of the President. Now ask yourself why none of this ever gets brought up.

To wit, here are Israel’s negotiating partners when it comes to peace:

Hamas Covenant – 1988: “‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it'” (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).”

Mahmoud Abbas, President, Fatah – May 1, 2018: The Holocaust was not the result of anti-Semitism but rather of the Jews โ€œsocial behavior, [charging] interest, and financial matters.โ€

Nobody cares that Israel is the first nation on the ground following natural disasters in an effort to supply relief. Nobody cares that Israel takes in the sick from its surrounding neighbors for humanitarian assistance in its hospitals. To sum it all up, Israel has lost the PR battle vis-a-vis the Palestinian leadership. It has received and continues to receive international condemnation for any and all actions that it takes when it comes to Gaza and the West Bank notwithstanding all of the above. It leads to a simple realization: Israel never had a chance in the court of world opinion. Just ask Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon again if you’d like. So where does that leave us?

The actions of the international community have led us to the present day where Israel’s government cares about the opinion of only one nation: The United States of America. But that leaves us in a precarious place given the present regimes. Despite the fact that both Israel and the U.S. hold shared progressive values when it comes to freedoms, equality, etc., both are being led by right-wing, hawkish administrations. They have each other’s backs and pat each other’s backs no matter what.

In the old days, Israel would have dropped leaflets and fired non-lethal rounds at the Palestinians rushing their borders. They would have made arrests and detained the criminals. Now? They don’t care. They know they’re going to be condemned either way so why try to maintain the moral high-ground when nobody else in their neighborhood has given one iota of a damn about it?

Does that make what Israel’s doing in using sniper fire to kill the rioters right or morally just? No. But remember one thing about this war: The day that the Palestinian leadership, be it Hamas in Gaza, or Fatah in the West Bank, starts caring more about the lives of Palestinians than the killing of Jews will be the day that the tide starts to change. Until then, there will be only bloodshed. And now the blood is on all of our hands.

One thought on “Israel Doesn’t Care About What You Think . . . But It Used To

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